It is midnight sun on Svalbard and the opportunities for adventures are endless. This fantastic package deal includes a comfortable stay with us, and a unique boat trip that offers everything from breathtaking nature, wildlife and history.
- Travel period between June 1 and August 31 2025
Funken Lodge ensures that you have a heavenly stay in Svalbard. Here, there is a comfortable and cozy atmosphere that allows you to relax and enjoy your holiday.
The chefs in Funktionærmessen Restaurant prepare exquisite food with first-class ingredients, and this is where you will enjoy an exclusive 3-course fine dining dinner. The restaurant was originally the dining hall for the officials of the mining company, who were to have only the best. This is also where breakfast is served. An important meal where you can choose between various fresh ingredients, and the chef is happy to make an omelette specially made according to your own wishes.
This travel offer also includes a boat trip with the hybrid-electric catamaran MS Bard. This beautiful boat is specially built with green technology, to minimize our footprint in the vulnerable Arctic nature. MS Bard silently takes you out onto the fjords, and the mighty glacier Nordenskiöldbreen. We sail past cultural monuments and historical sites and, with a little luck, wildlife might appear along the way. This is a fascinating tour that combines culture with breathtaking landscapes.

- 4 nights in a double/twin room
- A 3-course dinner in Funktionærmessen Restaurant
- Breakfast buffet
- Afternoon Treat
- Wildlife and Glacier | Hybrid Catamaran Tour on MS Bard
- Price from NOK 11.430,- per person (in a shared double room)
You save 20% by choosing the package deal compared to booking hotel, activity and dinner separately.
Do you wish to add something extra?
We are happy to help you if you want to add extra activities or room nights. Send us an email at info@hurtigrutensvalbard.com or call us on +47 79 02 61 00.